§ 86-57. Speed limits on certain streets and speed detection devices permitted.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Maximum speed limits established. Except as specifically prescribed in this section, speeds shall not exceed 25 miles per hour on any public street.


    Speed limits enumerated. The maximum speed limits on the public streets or parts of the public streets are set forth in exhibits A and B (attached to Resolution No. 2010-12-21(2) and kept on file with the city) identified as Chamblee Speed Limits, and by this reference incorporated herein. Exhibit A establishes speed limits for roadways currently within the territorial boundaries of the city upon which speed detection devices are authorized to be used. Exhibit B establishes speed limits for those roadways upon which the use of speed detection devices are not authorized.


    Driving in excess of speed limit unlawful. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive within or upon any of the streets in the city at a rate of speed in excess of the speed limits designated in this section.


    Amendment to exhibits A and B. The city may add to or amend the list of roadways designated in exhibits A and B from time to time by ordinance or resolution and pursuant to the statutes and regulations governing the establishment or alteration of speed limits and zones in the state.


    Exhibits A and B incorporated by reference. Exhibits A and B referenced in this section, as amended from time to time, are incorporated herein by reference as if set out in their entirety, and the originals shall be maintained in the office of the city clerk and available for inspection by the public during city business hours.

    (Code 1982, § 10-2-1(b); Ord. No. 395, 6-10-94; Ord. No. 590, 9-16-08; Ord. No. 627, pt. II, 12-21-10, Res. No. 2010-12-21(2), (exhs. A, B), 12-21-10)

    Note— Previously entitled "State-mandated speed limits".