§ 85-109. Conditions of street occupancy.  

Latest version.
  • Failure to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this article may result in revocation of registration and removal of facilities from the rights-of-way.


    The 1988 Utility Accommodation Policy and Standards Manual, including all references contained therein to codes, rules, regulations, schedules, forms and appendix items, except Appendix B (Permit Forms and Supporting Documents), promulgated by the State of Georgia Department of Transportation, as may be amended from time to time, is hereby adopted by reference and incorporated in the article as if fully set forth herein, subject to the amendments and modification contained in this chapter. A copy of the manual shall be maintained at the offices of the director or his designee and open for public inspection. Any conflicts between the provisions of this article and the manual shall be resolved in favor of the manual. References to state personnel, agencies and fees shall be interpreted, where required, as meaning the City of Chamblee municipal equivalents.


    Protection of traffic and roadway. In conformance with city policy, no utility may occupy the city rights-of-way unless sufficient space is available so that the free flow and safety of traffic and other capacity considerations are not unduly impaired and the installation does not prevent the department from reasonably maintaining the streets, structures, traffic control devices and other appurtenant facilities, and further provided that maintenance and operations of the facilities do not jeopardize the traffic, street structure, other users of the right-of-way, or the right-of-way itself.


    Grading. If the grades or lines of any street within the city right-of-way are changed at any time during the term of the permit and this change involves an area in which the utility's facilities are located, then the utility shall, at its own cost and expense and upon the request of the city upon at least ten business days' notice, protect or promptly alter or relocate the facilities, or any part thereof, so as to conform with such new grades or lines. In the event the utility refuses or neglects to so protect, alter, or relocate all or part of the facilities, the city shall have the right to break through, remove, alter, or relocate all or any part of the facilities without any liability to the utility and the utility shall pay to the city the costs incurred in connection with such breaking through, removal, alteration or relocation.


    Installation of poles and other wireholding structures and relocation. Unless otherwise provided in a valid service agreement, no placement of any pole or wireholding structure of the utility is to be considered a vested interest in the right-of-way, and such poles or structures are to be removed, relocated underground, or modified by the utility at its own expense whenever the city determines that the public convenience would be enhanced thereby. The facilities shall be so located and installed as to cause minimum interference with the rights and convenience of property owners.

(Ord. No. 750 , § 2, 6-19-18)