§ 85-28. Registration procedure.  

Latest version.
  • The registration information provided to the city shall be on a form approved by the city and include, but not be limited to:


    The name, legal status (i.e., partnership, corporation, etc.), street address, email address if applicable, and telephone and facsimile numbers of the utility filing the permit registration statement (the "registrant"). If the registrant is not the owner of the facility to be installed, maintained or repaired in the right-of-way, the registration shall include the name, street address, email address if applicable, and telephone and facsimile numbers of the owner.


    The name, street address, email address if applicable and telephone and facsimile numbers of one or more facilities representative(s). Current information regarding how to contact the facilities representative(s) in an emergency shall be provided at the time of filing a registration and shall be updated as necessary to assure accurate contact information is available to the city at all times.


    A copy, if requested, of the utility's certificate of authority (or other acceptable evidence of authority to operate) from the Georgia Public Service Commission and/or the FCC and any other similar approvals, permits, or agreements.


    A copy, if requested, of the service agreement, if applicable or other legal instrument that authorizes the utility to use or occupy the right-of-way for the purpose described in the registration.

(Ord. No. 750 , § 2, 6-19-18)