§ 6-197. Employees.  

Latest version.
  • The following regulations shall apply to all private clubs holding a license for consumption on the premises:


    An employee shall meet the same character requirements as set forth in this chapter for the licensee, except for the residency requirements.


    No person shall be employed by an establishment holding a license under this article until such person has been fingerprinted or cleared by the chief of police and a permit issued indicating that such person is eligible for this employment.


    The permit issued to a person under this section shall be either of the following:


    An alcoholic beverage permit, which shall be issued only to a person who is 18 years of age or older and who sells, serves or dispenses alcoholic beverages;


    A nonalcoholic beverage permit, which shall be issued to a person whose employment includes but is not limited to host, hostess, doorman or bouncer.


    No permit shall be issued until such time as a signed application has been filed with the police department and a search of the criminal record of the applicant completed. The application shall include but shall not be limited to the name, date of birth and prior arrest record of the applicant, though the fact of an arrest record shall be used for investigative purposes only, and shall give rise to no presumption or inference of guilt. Due to the inclusion of arrest information, these applications shall be regarded as confidential and shall not be produced for public inspection without a court order.


    The chief of police shall have a complete and exhaustive search made relative to any police record of the person fingerprinted or cleared. If there is no record of a violation of this article, the chief of police shall issue a permit to the employee, stating that the person is eligible for employment. If it is found that the person fingerprinted or cleared is not eligible for employment, the chief of police shall notify the employer that this person is not eligible for employment.


    It shall be the duty of all persons holding any license to sell alcoholic beverages to file with the chief of police the name of the establishment, the license number and a list of all employees, with their home addresses and home telephone numbers.


    All permits issued through administrative error or through an error in completion of a background investigation may be terminated by the chief of police or the city clerk.


    This section shall not be construed to include employees whose duties are limited solely to those of busboy, cook or dishwasher.


    No licensee shall allow any employee required to hold a permit to work on the licensed premises unless the licensee has on file, on the premises, the current, valid permit of each such employee.


    If any permit holder leaves the employ of a licensed establishment, the licensee shall immediately surrender the permit to the police department.


    All permits issued under this section remain the property of the city, and shall be produced for inspection upon the demand of any officer of the police department.

(Code 1982, § 9-2-86; Ord. No. 423, 8-20-96)