§ 58-17. Designation of drug-free zones.
Designated drug-free recreation zones: Shall be defined and depicted on official maps as that area 1,000 feet within the locations described below:
Dresden Park located at 2301 Dresden Drive, Chamblee, Georgia.
The map or series of maps produced by the city for the purpose of depicting the location and boundaries of the area or areas on or within 1,000 feet of the real property set apart by the governing authority for use as a park, playground, recreation center, or for any other recreation purposes are hereby adopted, confirmed and ratified as "Drug-Free Recreation Zones".
The city clerk is hereby designated as the custodian of the record for the purpose of having possession of and maintaining such maps and any such map shall, if certified as a true copy by such custodian, be admissible and shall constitute prima facie evidence of the location and boundaries of the area or areas approved hereby by the governing body of the city as an official record of the location and boundaries of any such area.
The original of every map approved or revised pursuant to the provisions of O.C.G.A. § 16-13-32.5 shall be filed and maintained as an official record of the city and as provided therein may be relied upon for purpose of defining, depicting and locating the boundaries of any such drug-free area or zone.
The chief of police, in consultation with the parks and recreation director, along with the public works director, shall erect appropriate signage at the locations described in subsection (a) above.
(Ord. No. 720 , pt. I, 9-20-16)
State law reference
Drug-free zones O.C.G.A. 16-13-32.5.