§ 31-71. Creation of board of ethics; membership; term; compensation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Created; membership. The board of ethics of the city shall be composed of three residents of the city to be appointed as provided in subsection (c) of this section. Each member of the board of ethics shall have been a resident of the city for at least one year immediately preceding the date of taking office and shall remain a resident of the city while serving as a member of the board of ethics.


    Member restrictions. Members of the board shall not be elected city officials, full-time appointed officials (whether exempt or nonexempt), or city employees, and shall hold no elected public office nor any city employment. No person shall serve as a member of the board of ethics if the person has, or has had within the preceding one-year period before appointment to the board, any interest in any contract, transaction, or official action of the city.




    The mayor and council members shall each designate two qualified citizens to provide a pool of 12 individuals who have consented to serve as a member of such board of ethics and who will be available for a period of two years to be called upon to serve in the event a board of ethics is appointed. An appointment to fill a vacancy on the board shall be made by the mayor and approved by the city council.


    The city manager shall maintain a listing of these 12 qualified citizens. Should it be determined that an ethics board needs to be convened, the mayor and council, at the first public meeting after such determination, shall draw names randomly from the listing of qualified citizens until the specified three members of the board of ethics have been appointed. Prior to the random drawing of names, the names of individuals appointed to the pool by any member(s) of the governing body charged in a complaint which the board will be reviewing shall be removed.


    Chairperson. The board shall elect one of its members to serve as chairperson.


    Limit of term. No person may serve more than two consecutive full terms as a board member.


    Deliberations, actions open to the public. The board's deliberations shall be open to the public.


    Compensation. Members of the board are volunteers and shall serve without compensation. The city council shall provide meeting space for the board of ethics. Subject to budgetary procedures and requirements of the city, the city shall provide the board of ethics with such supplies and equipment as may be reasonably necessary to perform its duties and responsibilities.


    Staff support. The city council shall provide such staff support for the board as the city council determines to be necessary for the board to fulfill its duties and responsibilities. The city clerk, or assistant city clerk if the city clerk is the subject of the ethics complaint, shall serve as recording secretary to the board.

(Ord. No. 660, pt. I, 11-19-13)