§ 22-201. Permit required.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of soliciting, calling on residences door-to-door without first having obtained a permit in accordance with the provisions contained in this chapter.


    The requirement of subsection (a) of this section is meant to apply to door-to-door solicitations for commercial transactions for profit only.


    It is not meant to regulate solicitation for charitable, political, or other nonprofit purposes, provided that all sales proceeds are the property of and used by the nonprofit organization.


    It does not apply to officers or employees of the city, county, state or federal governments, or any subdivision thereof, when on official business.


    Each person shall at all times while soliciting in the city, wear and display upon his person the permit so issued and the same shall be exhibited by such solicitor whenever he is requested to do so by any police officer or by any person solicited.


    Each permit issued shall contain the name of the solicitor, the name and address of the person, firm or corporation or association by whom the solicitor is employed or represents and photograph of the solicitor.


    The permit shall state the expiration date thereof. In no event shall a permit be valid for more than three months. Upon expiration of the maximum three-month period, the permit holder may receive a renewal for an additional three-month period without any additional fees and without having to comply with section 22-202, so long as no more than one complaint has been submitted to the city concerning the permit holder.

(Ord. No. 695 , pt. I, 12-15-15; Ord. No. 732 , pt. I, 2-21-17)