§ 310-43. Procedures for the determination of sound levels.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Insofar as practicable, sound will be measured while the source under investigation is operating at normal, routine conditions and, as necessary, at other conditions, including, but not limited to, design, maximum and fluctuating rates. All noise measurements shall be made at or within the property line of the impacted site, unless otherwise directed in this article. When instrumentation cannot be placed at or within the property line, the measurement shall be made as close thereto as is reasonable. For the purposes of this article, noise measurements are measured on the A- or C-weighted sound scale, as applicable, of a sound level meter of standard design and quality having characteristics established by ANSI.


    Measurements shall be taken by police officers appropriately trained in the use of a sound level meter.

(Ord. No. 743 , 12-19-17)