§ 300-39. Street plan and profile sheets.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Plan and profile sheets shall be provided for all streets.


    All traffic control devices, signs, signals and markings (striping) to be used shall conform to the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD), latest edition.


    A state department of transportation (GDOT) permit may be required on state-maintained routes. Provide a copy of the GDOT approved plan or a letter stating that the permit is not required on all state routes.


    The street plan/profile sheets shall contain at a minimum:


    All information required in Subsection 300-24(b) (unless included elsewhere in the plans);


    Provide plans and profiles for proposed streets including intersections (scale to be one inch = 50 feet or 100 feet horizontal and one inch = ten feet vertical);


    Show and state percent grade of streets and length of vertical curves;


    Profiles shall show all utility crossings;


    Label all tangents, PIs, PCs, vertical and horizontal curves, K values, curve lengths, stations and chord bearings;


    Minimum K value is ten;


    No road shall have a grade greater than 14 percent for longer than 1,000 feet;


    No road shall have a grade greater than 15 percent;


    All intersections shall have a 50-foot vertical tangent approach at a maximum slope of 2.00 percent;


    All intersections shall have a 50-foot horizontal tangent;


    Vertical and horizontal sight distance shall be shown graphically at all major intersections in accordance with GDOT regulations;


    Minimum stopping sight distance requirements must be satisfied at all vertical curves;


    Proposed vertical curves must be adequate for grades shown;


    Show curve data necessary to reproduce street centerline;


    Provide typical roadway cross section and pavement specifications;


    Provide typical cul-de-sac detail which includes right-of-way and pavement radius. All cul-de-sac dimensions shall match current city standards;


    Provide sidewalks and planting strips as required by the city zoning ordinance, latest revision. Show on plans and include detail;


    Provide handicap ramps at all intersections, driveways, and curb encroachment locations. Show on plans and include detail;


    Show and state all names and right-of-way (existing and proposed) sizes from centerline and pavement widths of all roads, which appear on plans;


    Provide right-of-way miter with ten-foot legs at all intersections within subdivision. A 20-foot miter is required at major street intersections;


    Developments with roadways requiring decel lanes or one additional lane widening shall require 1:20 scale construction plans for the intersection approaches;


    Dimension improvements (in feet) from street centerline to back of curb;


    Indicate tapers beyond projected property lines or end of decel, as appropriate;


    Tapers are not to be curbed (transition curbing down unless tying to existing curb);


    Show all existing and proposed grades and slopes at maximum two-foot contour intervals;


    Provide appropriate spot elevations;


    Clearly indicate curb type to be used and indicate transition locations. Show on plan and include detail;


    All markings to be thermoplastic;


    Depending upon the complexity and size of the development, separate roadway signing, marking and traffic signal plans may be required;


    All traffic signal plans must be submitted to and approved by the DeKalb County DOT or GDOT if it is a state highway.


    For driveways, the following information shall be shown:


    Show proper widths of all driveways;


    State driveway radius;


    Provide spot elevations from edge of pavement along centerline of proposed drive(s);


    Provide driveway/intersection profiles;


    On one-way drives, show one-way arrows and provide details; and


    Show all streets and non-single-family driveways near the proposed access on both sides of the road.

(Ord. No. 743 , 12-19-17)