§ 300-24. Final plat procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All subdivisions of land exempted from the Preliminary Plat process in Section 300-21 and all Preliminary Plats shall proceed through the Final Plat process.


    No final plat shall be approved unless and until the subdivider has installed all improvements required by this chapter, or appropriate sureties have been secured pursuant to Section 300-27. The final plat and a fee in the amount established by the city council must be filed with the city. The final plat and as-built drawings must also be submitted in a digital format acceptable to the city.


    The final plat shall be prepared by a registered land surveyor, licensed to practice in the State of Georgia and shall meet the requirements of the city, the county register of deeds office, the minimum standards and specifications adopted in the rules and regulations of the State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors for plats to be filed and recorded in the office of the clerk of superior court. The final plat shall constitute all portions of the preliminary plat site which the subdivider proposes to record and develop at the time.


    Plat information:


    In accordance with O.C.G.A. § 15-6-67, a caption shall be provided including the following information:


    A title or name;


    The city, land district and lot, and subdivision, if property lies within a particular subdivision;


    The date of plate preparation and the date of the field survey;


    The scale, stated and shown graphically;


    The name, address, telephone number and registration number of the land surveyor or the statement that he or she is the county surveyor and is not required by law to be a registered surveyor; and


    All reproductions of original maps or plats shall bear the signature of the registrant placed across the registration seal in order to be a valid or recordable map or plat. The provisions of this subsection shall apply to all maps or plats that are sealed by a land surveyor which depict and describe real property boundaries. Maps and plats which do not meet the requirements of this subsection shall not be sealed nor recorded by the clerk of the superior court.


    The exact boundary of the tract of land being subdivided showing clearly the disposition of all portions of the tract.


    North arrow and declination.


    A vicinity map showing the location of the subdivision with respect to adjacent streets and properties.


    As built drawings and plans of all water, sewer, and storm drainage system facilities, illustrating their layouts and connections to existing systems. Such plans shall show all easements and rights-of-way, to demonstrate that the facilities are properly placed and the locations of all fire hydrants, blow offs, manholes, pumps, force mains, and gate valves are indicated. This information shall not be placed on the final plat but must be submitted at the time of request for final plat approval or prior to certificate of occupancy/completion.


    Sufficient data to determine readily and reproduce accurately on the ground the location, bearing, and length of every street, alley line, lot line, building line, easement line, and setback line. All dimensions shall be measured to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot and all angles to the nearest second.


    The lines and names of all streets, alley lines, lot lines, lot and block numbers, lot addresses, building setback lines, easements, reservations, common areas, open space, on-site demolition landfills and other areas dedicated to public purpose with notes stating their purposes. All lots subject to flooding shall be noted.


    Compliance with the tree preservation ordinance of the city, Chapter 320 of this UDO.


    The accurate locations and descriptions of all monuments, markers and control points.


    The deed restrictions or any other similar covenants proposed for the subdivision, if any.


    The subdivision, the name of the owner, the name, registration number, and seal of the registered surveyor under whose supervision the plat was prepared, and the date of the plat.


    Private street easements and maintenance agreements required in Subsection 350-3(b), if applicable and payment in lieu of underground utilities improvements (Section 350-25) (if applicable).


    In addition to all certification required by the county the following certification must also appear on the final plat:

    Certificate of Approval for Recording. I hereby certify that the subdivision plat shown hereon has been found to comply with the Subdivision Regulations for Chamblee, Georgia, and that this plat has been approved by the Chamblee Development Director for recording in the office of the register of deeds of DeKalb County.


    Development Director, Chamblee, Georgia


    Application submittal.


    An application will be considered complete and ready for processing only when it fully complies with the requirements of this article.


    If the application and final plat are not accepted, the Development Director must inform the applicant of the deficiencies and request the applicant to resubmit the application and final plat with the additional information.


    Material specifications. The final plat shall meet all provisions of the Georgia Plat Act, O.C.G.A. § 15-6-67.


    Compliance with UDO. The final plat must comply with the requirements of the city UDO and all conditions of zoning for the subject property. If the final plat is inconsistent with any portion of the preliminary plat, the applicant is required to note any discrepancies on the final plat.


    Referral of final plat for review.


    Upon official acceptance of the application and the final plat, the Development Department, Public Works, and any other city or county department the Development Director determines should be consulted for the particularities of the proposed subdivision, shall review the preliminary plat. As part of its review, each such department and receiving entity must make comments and recommendations regarding any required changes necessary to comply with all applicable regulations.


    Once the Development Director has received each department's comments and recommendations, the Development Director must either notify the applicant that the final plat has been approved or notify the applicant that revisions to the plat are required.


    If a final plat is not approved within 180 days of the official acceptance of the application, the application and final plat is considered withdrawn without further action by the city. The Development Director must approve the final plat if the application and final plat conform to all requested revisions, the requirements of this Code and state law and must deny the final plat if the application and final plat do not conform to all requested revisions, the requirements of this Code or state law.


    Recording the final plat.


    The approved final plat must be recorded with the clerk of the county superior court by the applicant and returned to the Development Director.


    The filing and recording of the final plat will, upon completion of the improvements by the applicant and compliance with all procedures of this chapter, be deemed an acceptance of the dedication of the streets and other public land as shown upon the plat on behalf of the public.

(Ord. No. 743 , 12-19-17)