§ 300-12. Design of lots.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    With the exception of lots created under the provisions of a conservation subdivision (Section 300-14), no lot, even though it may consist of one or more adjacent lots of record, shall be reduced in size so that the lot width or depth, front, side or rear yards, lot area or buffer specification table dimensional requirements of this UDO are not maintained, unless approved through a variance authorized by the UDO. Lots created after the effective date of this UDO shall meet said minimum size and dimensional requirements established by this UDO. This section shall not apply when, and to the extent that, a portion of a lot is acquired for a public purpose.


    The lot size, width, depth, shape and orientation, and the minimum building setback lines shall comply with the requirements established in Title 2 of the UDO. Lots should be designed generally such that they are no more than four times as deep as they are wide at the building setback line, unless excepted by the Development Director.


    Corner lots. See Section 230-1, Dimensional Standards of zoning districts. Both Front and Street Side Yard would apply. See Section 230-3, Contextual Lot and Building Standards for Infill Development, if applicable.


    Through lots. When through lots are required for residential subdivisions abutting boulevards, primary or secondary streets a vehicular no-access easement of at least ten feet in width shall be required abutting the back of curb of such thoroughfare, across which there shall be no right of access except approved bicycle or pedestrian pathways. The vehicular no-access easement may be incorporated into the design of the required sidewalk zone and/or landscape zone for the streetscape or landscape strip along such major thoroughfare. See Section 320-22 for landscaping requirements of vehicular no-access easements.


    The Development Director may approve an unbuildable lot of record in a proposed subdivision only for the following purposes:


    No lot shall be reduced in size so that minimum lot width or depth, size of yards, or any other lot requirement is not maintained. This limitation shall not apply when a portion of a lot has been lawfully acquired for public purpose or for unbuildable lots used exclusively for subdivision identification signage or subdivision entrance landscape features or stormwater facilities.


    To provide a location for a ground sign permitted in Chapter 260.


    To provide a location for a stormwater management facility as provided in Section 340-39, Post-Development Stormwater Management Performance Criteria.


    Common areas.


    The establishment of any new split-zoned lot is prohibited.

(Ord. No. 743 , 12-19-17)