§ 280-9. Action by mayor and city council.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The mayor and city council may take any action that is consistent with:


    The regulations of this UDO;


    All rules and by-laws that apply to the decision-making body; and


    The notice that was given.


    Mayor and city council is authorized to defer action or continue a hearing in order to receive additional information or further deliberate. An action by the mayor and city council to defer a final decision shall include a statement of the date and time of the next meeting at which the proposal will be considered.


    Mayor and city council is authorized to refer matters back to the Architectural Review Board for further deliberations or to obtain additional information.


    Mayor and city council is authorized to defer action, continue the hearing, deny, or table an application whenever the applicant fails to appear for a scheduled and advertised hearing or whenever the applicant fails at more than one meeting to provide the information or documentation necessary for a competent evaluation of the plan's or application's compliance with applicable regulations.

(Ord. No. 743 , 12-19-17)