§ 2.0. Multifamily Design Guidelines  

Latest version.
  • Building Design and Placement
    Building design and placement is an important contributor to the pedestrian realm. Building design includes everything from height and architectural scale to the orientation of building entries.

    Buildings should meet setback requirements.

    Buildings should incorporate design elements to enhance visual interest, such as balconies, porches, bays, etc.

    Building entrances should be well-marked and identifiable from the building form.

    On-street parking is strongly encouraged to provide parking for visitors.

    Parking should be accessed from secondary streets and clearly marked.

    Parking should be well-lit and screened from major pedestrian corridors.

    Open Space and Landscaping

    Encourage open space to be semi-public to contribute to larger open space network.

    Landscaping should not obstruct entrances and pedestrian lighting, or obscure views of public or semi-public spaces.

    Fencing should be permeable and not opaque. Chain-link is not acceptable.